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Types of Batteries. Primary and Secondary Batteries
There are two classes of batteries: primary and secondary. Primary batteries stop delivering electric current when their chemicals are expended. Secondary batteries—also called rechargeable batteries... more details »

Learning Hands-On: Breaking Cells Open & Extracting DNA
Step 1. Create salt water inside the resealable bag. In a small resealable bag, mix together 1 tablespoon of distilled or bottled waterwith ¼ teaspoon of white salt. more details »

Church of Constantine in Rome. S. Costanza: Interior
While the nave resembled that of-St John Lateran, the west end was markedly different: it was not so much a congregational meeting-place as the precinct of a martvr-shrine. The transept, taking the form of a small nave set at right angles to the main nave, was something of a novelty. more details »

Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity. Jerusalem: the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
In spite of much rebuilding by Justinian, who enclosed the whole of the east end with a trefoil sheath, the present structure still bears the impress of Constantine's handiwork (fig. 60). more details »

Adult Amphibians. External Anatomy
See Figures 3.1A, Band 3.2A, B within this chapter for generalized anatomic drawings of the skeleton of salamanders and anurans. See Figures 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 for generalized anatomic drawings of adult specimens of the three orders of amphibians. more details »

Grizzly Bear. History and Identification. Characteristics
As late as 1857 even the naturalists and hunters believed Ursus horribilis to be the only member of the grizzly family. Since then, zoologists have made careful studies of this animal, and C. Hart Merriam made the initial extensive break down by species. more details »

Blacktail Deer. Mule Deer. History. Identification
Since the time of their discovery by Lewis and Clark in the early 19th century, there has been confusion concerning the nomenclature of the blacktail deer and mule deer. The mule deer was found first along the Missouri River and was named a black-tail... more details »

Composite Cell. Three-dimensional representation of simple columnar cells showing organelles
Cells Compose the Four Basic Tissues of Body: epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, and nerve. Common to all mature cells, or cells at some time in their development, are nuclei and cytoplasm containing membranous compartments and cytoskeletal components. more details »

Battleship. Development and Modern of the Battleship
Battleship is a huge warship that has larger and more powerful guns and heavier armor than any other combat ship. Among fighting ships, only the aircraft carrier is larger than the battleship. more details »

The Old Babylonian Empire. The Fall of Babylon
Babylon, BAB uh luhn, was a great city of the ancient world. It was the capital of the kingdom of Babylonia and of two Babylonian empires. Babylon stood on the banks of the Euphrates River near the present-day city of Al Hillah, Iraq. more details »

Oil Control Rings. Ring Combinations
Oil control rings are of particular significance in managing the engine's oil supply and consumption; they are subdivided into the following... more details »

Characterizing Features. Radial Pressure Characteristics
Tangential force. The tangential force Ft is that force which must be present at the ends of the ring, at the outside diameter, in order to compress the piston ring to the specified gap at the joint (Fig. 7-46). more details »
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