Kinds of Bears. Shapes and Sizes of Bears
Zoologists traditionally recognize seven species of bears: (1) brown bears, (2) American black bears, (3) Asiatic black bears, (4) polar bears, (5) sun bears, (6) sloth bears, and (7) spectacled bears. In addition, some zoologists classify pandas as bears. But other zoologists place pandas in the raccoon family or in a family of their own. For information about pandas, see Panda.
Brown bears include the world's largest bears. Among them are the brown bears of Europe and Asia; Alaskan brown bears, such as the Kodiak bear and peninsula brown bear; and the grizzly bears of western North America. Brown bears vary in color from yellowish to almost black.
The brown bear of Europe and Asia appears as a character in many children's stories, where it is often named "Bruin," an old Dutch word meaning brown. These bears were used for hundreds of years in London for a cruel sport called bearbaiting. The bear was fastened to a stake and had to defend itself against vicious dogs. Cowboys in early California staged similar fights between grizzly bears and bulls. See Bearbaiting.
Alaskan brown bears are found chiefly on the mainland of Alaska and on Kodiak and Afognak islands off the southeastern coast of Alaska. They also live on other Alaskan islands.
Grizzly bears may grow up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) long, and they generally weigh from 250 to 600 pounds (11 to 270 kilograms). They get angry quickly, but usually do not attack unless they are threatened.
Grizzlies get their name from the white hairs that grow in their brown coats, making them look grizzled (streaked with gray). Grizzlies may also be called silvertips. A grizzly has long, curved claws that it uses chiefly to dig out ground squirrels and mice to eat. The claws are also used as weapons.
Grizzlies live mainly in Alaska and western Canada. They also are found in the mountains of Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Wyoming. About 200 grizzlies live in Yellowstone National Park. See Grizzly bear.
Grizzly bear. Skeleton of a grizzly bear. Grizzly bear tracks
American black bears are among the most common species. They grow about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and are the smallest bears of North America. Most black bears are from 200 to 300 pounds (91 to 140 kilograms), but some weigh up to 500 pounds (230 kilograms).
Not all black bears are completely black. Some have black coats with brown noses and white patches on the chest. Others, called cinnamon bears, have a rusty brown coat. The island white bear, or Kermode's bear, has creamy white fur and white claws. It lives in the coastal areas of British Columbia. The blue bear, also called the glacier bear, has gray hairs mixed with the black ones, giving the animal a bluish color. The blue bear lives in the mountains of the St. Elias Range in southeastern Alaska.
Black bears can run as fast as 25 miles (40 kilometers) per hour when they chase prey, and they are skillful tree-climbers. These bears become troublesome around camps and cabins if food is left in their reach. Black bears have severely injured and sometimes have even killed campers or travelers who feed them.
Black bears live in many large wooded areas of North America. There are about 75,000 of them in the national forests of the United States. Many states allow people to hunt these bears, and hunters kill about 25,000 a year.
Asiatic black bears, sometimes called Himalayan bears, are smaller than American black bears. They grow about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and weigh about 250 pounds (113 kilograms). Most Asiatic black bears are black, with some white hairs on the chin and a large white crescent-shaped mark on the chest. They are often called moon bears because of this mark.
In winter, Asiatic black bears may sleep for only short periods. They make beds of twigs in the snow so they can sun themselves. In summer, they build nest like beds of sticks in trees, where they sleep.
Asiatic black bears are fiercer than most other kinds of bears. They often kill cattle and ponies, and sometimes attack people. These bears live in forests and brush regions throughout southern and eastern Asia. The Chinese hunt them, and many believe that the meat and bones have special healing powers.
Where bears live. The yellow areas on the map show the parts of the world in which bears live. Most bears live north of the equator
Polar bears are the best swimmers of all bears. They are only a little smaller than brown bears. They have a smaller head, but a longer, thinner neck than most other kinds of bears. The thick, heavy fur is creamy white, with a hint of yellow. A polar bear has pads of fur on the soles of its feet. The fur helps keep the feet warm and also helps the animal walk on ice.
Polar bears can move quickly in spite of their size. These bears can run up to 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour—fast enough to catch reindeer. They can swim 3 to 6 miles (5 to 10 kilometers) per hour. Polar bears are excellent hunters, and when they are very hungry in winter, they may attack humans. Their usual prey consists mostly of sea animals, including fish, seals, and walruses. Polar bears also eat grass and dead whales that have been washed ashore. Traditionally, the Inuit (sometimes called Eskimos) hunted polar bears. They ate the meat, used the bones for many kinds of utensils, and made clothes from the hides. Some Inuit still hunt polar bears for these purposes.
Polar bears live in regions bordering the Arctic Ocean. Sometimes they ride floating chunks of ice as far as the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 750 miles (1,210 kilometers) south of the Arctic Circle. Many people have traveled to the Arctic to hunt polar bears for sport and for their hides. Such activities have greatly reduced the number of polar bears. See Polar bear.
Sun bears, sometimes called Malayan bears, are the smallest species of bears. They grow only about 3 feet (0.9 meter) long, and weigh 60 to 100 pounds (27 to 45 kilograms). Most sun bears have a black coat and a grayish or orange nose. Some have light brown feet. The bear gets its name from the white or yellow marks on its chest. Many people of ancient times believed the marks represented the rising sun.
Sun bears have large paws with no hair on the soles. The claws are more curved and have sharper points than those of other kinds of bears. Sun bears usually hunt only at night. They spend the day sleeping and sunbathing in trees. They build nest like beds in trees by bending or breaking the branches. Sun bears live in the forests of Borneo, Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, Myanmar, Sumatra, and Thailand.
Shapes and sizes of bears. These drawings show the differences in size and body shape of bears. The sizes given are the average adult length. The scientific names of the bears appear in italics
Sloth bears get their name from an Old English word meaning slow. Sloth bears move very slowly except when disturbed. These bears are so fond of honey that they are sometimes called honey bears. Sloth bears grow about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and weigh about 250 pounds (113 kilograms). Sloth bears have shaggy black fur and a white or yellow chest mark shaped like a U, V, or Y.
Sloth bears sleep in the grass, under shrubs, or in shallow caves. They hunt chiefly at night. These bears eat birds' eggs, grubs, honey, insects, and plants. They also eat termites. Sloth bears pull apart the termites' nests, blow away the dust, and suck up the insects. The bears make loud blowing and sucking noises, and hunters have little trouble finding them. Sloth bears live in India and Sri Lanka. See Sloth bear.
Date added: 2022-12-11; views: 465;