Studedu - categories with thematic publications.
In this section of the site, publications are located in thematic categories. This will make it easier to find publications of the desired category.
Publications by category:

Architecture Publications
Architecture, or architecture - the art and science of building, designing buildings and structures (including their complexes), as well as the very set of buildings and structures that create a spatial environment for human life and activity. more details »

Publications in Biology
Biology (Greek βιολογία; from other Greek βίος "life" + λόγος "teaching, science") is the science of living beings and their interaction with the environment. Studies all aspects of life, in particular: the structure, functioning, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms on Earth. more details »

Geography publications
Geography (from other Greek γεωγραφία "earth description", through Latin geographia or Polish geografia) is a complex of natural and social sciences that study the structure, functioning and evolution of the geographical shell, the interaction and distribution in space of natural and natural-social geosystems and their components. more details »

History publications
History (ancient Greek ἱστορία) is the process of development of society, also a science that studies the past, real facts and patterns of change in historical events, the evolution of society and relations within it, due to human activity over many generations. more details »

Publications in Mathematics
Mathematics (ancient Greek μᾰθημᾰτικά < μάθημα "study; science") is an exact (formal) science that originally studied quantitative relations and spatial forms; more modern understanding: it is the science of relations between objects, about which nothing is known, except for some properties that describe them. more details »

Medical Publications
Medicine (lat. medicina from the phrase ars medicina - "the art of healing" [1], and has the same root as the verb medeor, "I heal" [2]) - a system of scientific knowledge and practical activities, goals and the state and preservation of health more details »

Publications on Technique and Mechanics
Technique - (from other Greek τεχνικός, from τέχνη - art, craftsmanship, skill) - a generalized name for complex devices, mechanisms, systems (including "tools"). more details »

Construction Publications
Construction - the creation (construction) of buildings, structures and structures. Construction products are completed and prepared for commissioning new or reconstructed buildings and structures. more details »

Publications in Finance and Economics
Economics (from other Greek οἰκονομία, lit. “the art of housekeeping”) is a social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. more details »

Publications in Physics and Chemistry
Chemistry is one of the most important and extensive areas of natural science, a science that studies substances, as well as their composition and structure, their properties that depend on composition and structure, their transformations leading to a change in composition - chemical reactions, as well as the laws and patterns by which these transformations obey. more details »

Electronics Publications
Electronics is a field of science and technology that deals with the research, development and application of electronic devices, systems and components for various purposes such as information processing, monitoring and control, communications, automation, measuring instruments, etc. more details »

Literary Publications
This category contains publications on literary works and their writers. Their biographies and writings, descriptions of their works are also included. more details »

Publications on Ecology and Botany
This category contains scientific publications on the topics of ecology and botany. Ecology and botany have in common that both sciences study living nature and the patterns that govern it. more details »
Latest publications:
- Sorption to Coagulating Colloids and Aggregating Particles "Scavenging"
- Methane Generation. Formation on CH4 by Methanogens
- Tire Abrasion as a Source of Microplastics
- Synthetic Microfibers from Textiles as a Source of Microplastics
- Microplastics as an Emerging Contaminant of Concern
- Microplastics: A Global Water Pollution Problem. Magnitude of Plastic Production and Waste
- Discussion. Challenges with Environmental Samples
- Nanomaterials in Water: Detection and Characterization. Analytical Methods
- Nanomaterials in Water: Detection and Characterization
- NMs in Organic and Particle Rich Waters (High Matrix). Quality Control, Sample Transport, Storage, and Preparation
- Nanomaterials in Freshwater (Low-Matrix). Nanomaterials in High Salinity Water
- Matrix Removal by Digestion or by Chemical Clean Up
- Continuous Particle Size Fractionation Techniques
- Centrifugation and Cloud Point Extraction
- Sample Preparation Techniques. Filtration
- Sample Preparation for the Analysis of Nanomaterials in Water. General Aspects and Concepts
- Consider a Spherical Cow. Nonspherical Colloid Transport
- Integrated Grain and Pore Networks
- Nanoscale Heterogeneity as the Inferred Explanation
- Little Barriers, Big Effects: Repulsion Yields Profound Impacts