Studedu - publications on Medicine, 1 page.

There are 1 pages with educational publications on the topic - Medicine on the website

Total informational publications on the topic - Medicine - 284 publications.

X-Rays in Diagnostic Medicine Worldwide Prevalence of Anemia. Causes of Anemia WHO Alcohol Database. Results of Data Collection What is Optometry. Materials What Education Levels Indicate Waterborne Disease Outbreaks. Occurrence in Sewage and Water Vitamins. Recognized Vitamins and Growth-factors Variegated Outputs: Efferents from Amygdala Vacuum Extraction of the Fetus Unintentional Injury. Intentional Injury Female Genital Cutting U.S. and European Worker Safety Rates. Mine Safety Types of Aggression. Epidemiology of Aggression. Genetics of Aggression Two Dimensions of Alcohol Consumption. Methodological Issues Treatment. Denialism. Prevention Treatment of Multiple Substance Use and Dependencies Trauma from Overexertion or Repetitive Motion Transmission via Injection Drug Use (IDU) Tomography in Medicine. First Generation Computed Tomography (CT) To Which Disease and Injury Conditions is Alcohol Causally Relevant? Threatened Preterm Labor Therapeutic Modalities: Nonpharmacological Theories of Effects of Stressors on Performance The War Against Disease. Vitamins The War Against Disease. Vaccination The War Against Disease. Insects The War Against Disease. Food Factors The War Against Disease. Bacteriology The plasma membrane The Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease The Organization of Acute Hospitals The Nervous System. Nerve Potentials The Nervous System. Hypnotism The Nervous System. Behavior The Nerves and Brain The Main Types of Obstetric Operations The Heat Shock Response. Stress Proteins and Aging in Mammals The Germ Theory of Disease The Function and Structure of Emotion The Fall of Vitalism. Enzymes The Experience of Affective Disorders The Economy’s Effect on Tolerance for Coping The Economy’s Effect on Hazard Avoidance The Economy’s Effect on Coping Assets The course and management of multiple pregnancy The course and management of delivery at twins The Blood-Brain Barrier Is Disrupted under Stress The Blood System. Serology The Bite-Wing Radiograph. Examples The Amygdala and Fear Conditioning in Animals Temporally Discrete Effects of Corticosteroids on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function Technique of the Lower Segment Operation Taking Account of Gender Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Supplemental Examinations Using Conventional and Modern Imaging Techniques Substance Use. Tobacco. Alcohol Stress-Related and Transient Amnesic States Stress, Immunity, and Health in HIV Infection Stress Management for HIV-Infected Individuals Stress and Uptake of Genetic Testing Stress and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Stress and Alzheimer’s Disease Stress Affects the Activity of Glycosyltransferases Strategies Using Iron Supplements Specialized Treatment for Persons with Alcohol Dependence Sources of Hazards and Health Risks Sources of Genetic Variability Site(s) of Negative Feedback in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis Shared Stressors and Disorders in Families Septic Shock. General Sepsis Rupture of the Cervix. Rupture of the Uterus Resistance Among Community-Associated Pathogens Repair of Perineal Lacerations Relevance of Diagnosis. Comprehensive Diagnosis Regional HIV Surveillance Data Reducing Health Risks to Agricultural Workers Recent and Emerging Trends. The Future of Acute Hospitals - Challenges and Risks Puerperal Mastitis. Treatment. Management of “non-reassuring fetal status.” Public Health Challenges in Adolescence. Mortality Psychophysiological Stress Reactivity Psychological Stress and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Alzheimer’s Disease Psychological Stress Psychological Responses to Exercise Psychiatry, Pharmaceutical Treatment Psychiatry, Diagnosis and Non-Drug Treatment Processing Technique and Errors that Lead to Poor Quality Radiographs Prevention and Control of Arboviruses Pregnancy management. Hospitalization of a patient with cardiovascular disease Pregnancy and Tuberculosis. Effect of Tuberculosis on Pregnancy Pregnancy and Pancreatitis. Chronic Pancreatitis in Pregnancy Pregnancy and Cholecystitis. Acute Cholecystitis. Chronic Cholecystitis Pregnancy and Arterial Hypotension Pregnancy and Appendicitis. Clinical picture Pregnancy and Acute Respiratory Disease, Influenza Policy Implications and Conclusions Physiology of Aggressive Behavior Phenomenology of Affective Disorders Pesticides and Pollution. Insects as Disease Vectors Pelvic Thrombophlebitis. Puerperal Progressing Thrombophlebitis Patterns of Stressor Impairment Pathogenesis and Natural History Panoramic Radiography as an Aid in Localization Overview of Mechanisms of Resistance to Antibacterial Agents Ovarian Tumors. Diagnosis Organic Amnesia Obstetric versions and external cephalic version Obstetric Forceps. Types of Forceps Operations Nutrition and Diet. Health Nutrition and Diet. Forced Diets Nutrition and Diet. Damage from Agriculture. Iron Deficiencies Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Neurology. Plain X-Rays. Computed tomography Neuroactive Compounds in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroendocrine Disorders Neural Circuitry Involved in Food Intake Neoplasms in pregnancy. Fibromyomas (Fibroids, Myomas) Need for Public Health Policies in Response. A Global Alcohol Industry Multiple pregnancy. Etiology Mother-to-Child Transmission Modifiers of the Stress-Alcohol Interaction Modes of HIV Transmission: Rates and Risk Factors Model Systems of Stress Miscarriage, Prematury Birth. Isthmico-Cervical Incompetence Mining Dangers Known in Early Europe. Beginnings of Occupational Medicine Metabolism. Radioactive Isotopes Metabolism. Metabolic Intermediates Metabolism. Antibiotics and Pesticides Mental Health. Conclusions Mediators and Moderators of Treatment Effectiveness Manual Separation of the Placenta (or Removing of the Afterbirth) Management of Threatened Premature Labor Management of Pregnancy at Pyelonephritis Management of Pregnancy at Glomerulonephritis Management of Actual Preterm Labor and Delivery (APTL) Major Occupational Diseases. Worker’s Compensation Laws Longitudinal Methods for Calculating Active Life Expectancy Long-Term Residential Care and Mutual Help Societies Localization Using Various Methods Local Inflammations.Vulvitis Local Defects of the Musculoskeletal System. Anomalies of Development and Pathology of the Placenta Lectins in Stress Latent Degradation under Stress Large-Scale Gene Expression Profiling Iron Functions in the Body Inversion of the Uterus. Separation of the Symphysis Pubis Interventions to Reduce Unsafe Abortions and Their Consequences Interventions to Reduce Induced Abortions Intervening Variables International Influences. Policy Networks. Policy Transfer Interactions with the Stress Circuitry. Effects of Stress on Food Intake Intensive Care and Life Support Insects. Plagues and Pests Infections Acquired in Uterus Inevitable abortion (abortion in progress) Industrial Health and Safety. Ancient Concerns Importance of Links with Stress Implants, Joints, and Stents Immunological Technology. Immunization Hypothetical Mechanisms of Abnormal Pain Processing Hormone Therapy. Menopause. Transgender Surgery. Adrenal Hormones HIV/AIDS. Other Diseases Hearts, Artificial. The Novacor fully implantable ventricular assist device Health Risks of Exercise Health Behaviors and Immunity in HIV Infection Hazardous Organic and Inorganic Exposures Growth of the Craniofacial Skeleton Glycoconjugates Are Important Mediators of Many Physiological Functions Global Governance on Alcohol Geographic Distribution of HIV/AIDS. Epidemiology and Transmission Genetic Testing and Stress General Considerations for Adolescent Health Interventions GCs and the Health of the Human Hippocampus GCs and the Function and Structure of Hippocampal Neurons GCs and the Death of Hippocampal Neurons Gastroenteritis. Respiratory Infections. Acute Respiratory Disease of Military Recruits Future Research. Conclusion Functions of Glucocorticoids in Stress Flat Pelves. Rachitic Flat Pelvis Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) Familial Patterns of Stress. Measurement of Stressors Factory Inspection and Worker Safety Factors Affecting the Stress Response Eye Infections. Obesity Extraction of the fetus. Extraction by the leg or legs Exercise. General Methodological Issues Exercise and Stress: Opposing Effects on Disease Risk Factors Excitatory Amino Acids Excessive Labor Pains (Hyperactivity of the Uterus). Justo Minor Pelvis Examination of Children and Adolescents Using the Panoramic Radiograph Evidence Supporting Gender Differences in Stress Responses Etiology and Pathogenesis of Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy Estimating Levels of Consumption and Patterns of Drinking Establishing Alcohol as a Risk Factor for Burden of Disease Errors in Technique that Reduce Radiograph Quality Environmental Factors. Access to Health Care Endocrine and Metabolic Responses Empirical Example of Longitudinal Active-Life-Expectancy Calculations Emotional Impact of Genetic Testing Emergency Treatment of Some Specific Causes of Shock in Obstetrical Practice Effects of Stress on Different Memory Systems Effects of Stress on Alcohol Consumption Effects of Stress on Alcohol Consumption Effects of Feeding (or Fasting) on Stress Responses Effects of Chronic Stress Effectiveness of Contraceptive Methods. Gender Power Imbalance Effect of Thrombocytopenia on Pregnancy Effect of Stress on Food Intake Effect of Food Composition and Intake on the Ability to Cope with Stress Effect of Diabetes on Pregnancy. Effect of Pregnancy on Diabetes Early Industrial-Era Observations Diseases of a Newborn. Asphyxia Neonatorum Diabetes Mellitus. History of the Discovery of the Disease Determinants of Induced Abortion Detection, Diagnosis, and Assessment of Alcohol Use Disorders Defects of Development of Face and Neck Defects of Development of Cardiovascular System Cross-National Implications of ALE/LE Ratio Differences Corticosteroids Modify Gene Expression Contraception, Hormonal Methods and Surgery Conditional Feedback in the Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Computed Tomography (CT). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Complications and Consequences of Unsafe Abortion

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