Ballet in Canada and Europe. Recent Developments

Ballet in Canada. Canada, like the United States, benefited from the arrival of European dancers, teachers, and choreographers during the mid-1900's. The National Ballet of Canada, founded in 1951, was first directed by the British dancer Celia Franca. The company gained even greater recognition under the directorship of the Danish dancer Erik Bruhn during the 1980's. The Latvian born dancer Ludmilla Chiriaeff founded Les Grands Ballets Canadiens in 1958. Among its leading choreographers was Brian Macdonald. He also worked for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Canada's oldest major ballet company, founded in 1939.

Ballet in Europe. European ballet companies fared better financially than many North American companies in the late 1 900's. Many benefited from government assistance. European dance groups welcomed talent from other countries. John Cranko, a South African who worked in England, and John Neumeier of the United States served as resident choreographers with German companies, beginning in the 1960's. Cranko raised the Stuttgart Ballet to world importance, and Neumeier brought international recognition to the Hamburg Ballet Both created works with a strong literary and dramatic base. The French-born choreographer Maurice Bejart developed an athletic style for his troupe. Ballet of the 20th Century, based in Belgium and Switzerland. Jii'I Kylian of the Czech Republic created a broad range of works as director of the Netherlands Dance Theatre.

Mikhail Baryshniicov, right ranks among the world's leading ballet dancers. He helped found the White Oak Dance Project, a touring company, and became its featured performer

The American Glen Tetley brought his modern style to companies in the Netherlands and Germany. Another American, Mark Morris, worked for several years in Belgium as resident choreographer of the Theatre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels. In France, the Paris Opera Ballet was the focus of international attention in the 1980's, when Rudolf Nureyev became ballet director. Ballet in Denmark showed stability and artistic consistency throughout most of the 1 900's. The Royal Danish Ballet based in Copenhagen, preserved historical tradition with its dedication to the Bournonville style.

Recent developments. During the late 1900's, many ballet companies were founded throughout the world. In the United States, important companies established in Houston, .Miami, and other cities joined older companies, such as the San Francisco Ballet, in raising the level of dancing throughout the country. After returning to the United States from Belgium, Mark Morris became choreographer or the White Oak Dance Project, a touring company he helped found with Mikhail Baryshnikov in 1990. Such companies provided more opportunities for dancers and choreographers and helped educate audiences.

However, in spite of growing interest in ballet, U.S. companies struggled to survive in difficult economic times. They faced limited funding from local and federal government sources and from private support.


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