The human hermaphroditism. The transsexualism. The contemporary reproductive strategy of humankind

Individuals of both sexes might be hermaphrodits since primary gonads have generative elements of both sexes. They may have separated or combined gonads. A testis, as usually, is underdeveloped and has no maturated spermatozoa. An ovarium (or part of it) is more developed. Follicules may develop and have ovulation.

Karyotype is usually 46XX, rather 46XY, less possible 46XY/XX. In a foreign literature, it was described 146 true hermaphrodies, in national only 20. False hermafroditism is more common. It includes all pathological forms of sexual development. The secondary sexual characteristics may be formed as in female pattern as in male pattern. It is necessary to distinguish transsexualism, fetishism, transvestism and other abnormalities of human sexual behavior from hermaphroditism.

Transsexuals - are peoples with normally developed sex (male or female), which doesn’t satisfy them because of their psychological dominant. They want to change it by surgery to controversial. The population transsexualism rate varies from 1 in 37000 to 1 in 100000. The average age of patients on a first doctor’s appointment is 23-24 years for males and 25 years for females.

Fetishism - is a worship of fetish, a subject representating sexual partner. As a subject, people may use underwear, clothes, parfume and so on. Only men have fetishism.

Transvestism - is a case when an individual picks up a clothes of controversial sex for getting pleasure and satisfaction.

Only very expressed transsexualism may be treated by surgery. In case of fetishism and transvestism, the other kinds of psychological treatment are performed.

The contemporary reproductive strategy of humankind. The main purpose of contemporary reproductive strategy is removing harmful factors breaking normal gametes formation, fertilization and early stages of development. It was stated that pre-natal human mortality rate is highest at first week after fertilization; 16% of gametes are not able to fertilization at all; 42% of embtyo dies right after fertilization. It is believed that early pre-natal human mortality rate is closely related with changes in ovicell occurred before leaving follicule, i.d. proembryonic defects in ontogenesis.

The contemporary reproductive strategy must to include such important element as prevention of hereditary defects. It includes firstly pre-natal diagnostic of hereditary defects on early development stages among pregnant women of so called “risk group”. If embryo has exposed hereditary defect, the pregnancy may be interrupted on early stages. Thus, we can prevent birth of disabled child. Today we can use biomedical science achievements such as chromosome mapping, biochemical testing and very sensitive ultrasonic devices, to do so.

In recent years new prospective methods to fight human sterility are developed. It is closely connected with reproductive strategy. These methods are artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, embryo placement to uterine tubes, ovicell and embryo donorship, “substitutive motherhood”. The birth of Louise Brown, first child, which was bom as result of artificial insemination, gives a hope to all sterile couples all over the world. The number of such couples is 10% from whole world population.

If there is a high risk to have a child with hereditary defects, it is possible to perform in vitro fertilization with predinplantational embryo diagnostics, such as cytogenetic and biochemical diagnostics. Following placement of only healthy embryo to uterine tubes guarantee a healthy offspring development. Methods of “new reproductive strategy” allow changing gametes with defects to healthy gametes obtained from donor. These works are actual for today.

The bioethics. The ethical and justice aspects of interventions in human reproduction. Bioethics — is a science studying ethical (i. d. moral), justice and social problems connected with medicine and biology development. The main field of bioethics study is ethical problems as consequences of biomedical researches and their usage in artificial fertilization, transplantology, gene engineering etc. The main bioethic aim is to defend humankind and society from negative consequences of biomedical science achievements. For this purpose, the ethic rules may be used such as laws or any other lawful documents. Even in Hippocrates Oath, a doctor promises, “not to do any harm for a patient”.

That why bioethics has a tight relation with deontology and medical ethics. The deontology is a union of ethical rules of doctor and patient contact. In 1987, European Bioethics Expert Committee suggested a list of recommendation for artificial human reproduction. As it was mentioned by them, it is necessary to have a law regulation of “substitutive motherhood”, a ban on gametes and embryo trade. That woman should be considered as mother who has delivered child. Now in general, the artificial fertilization for science purposes is prohibited. Now, there is a ban on in vitro embryo growing more than 14 days.

All aspects of surgery performing for transsexual patients require justice reglamentation. There are many bioethicals problems connected with human cloning possibility.

Thus, the contemporary reproductive strategy is based not only on modem biomedical science achievements. It has to include all aspects of human being such as ethical problems, social relations and legislation.


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