The Essence of Treasury Control at Various Stages of its Implementation
Budgetary control, as well as financial control in general, is divided into preliminary, current and subsequent.
Preliminary control is control carried out before financial transactions at the stage of drawing up, reviewing and approving income and expenditure estimates, contractual agreements and other documents and aimed at preventing inefficient and inappropriate spending of federal budget funds.
In order to carry out preliminary and current control over the execution of the expenditure part of the federal budget, personal accounts are opened and maintained in the treasury bodies for recording operations for the execution of federal budget expenditures.
Personal account - a register of analytical accounting of the treasury body, designed to reflect in the accounting limits of budget obligations, accepted monetary obligations, amounts of financing and cash expenditures carried out in the process of executing the expenditures of the corresponding budget by the main managers and recipients. Personal accounts are divided into the following types: personal account of the manager of funds, personal account of the recipient of funds.
Limit of budgetary obligations - the maximum amount of the rights of the recipient to accept monetary obligations, paid at the expense of the corresponding budget. Preliminary control is carried out in several stages.
Stage 1. The administrators and recipients of federal budget funds submit notifications to the federal treasury about the approved limits of budget obligations. After checking the notifications for compliance with the requirements of budgetary legislation, the limits of budgetary obligations are recorded on the personal account of the manager or budget recipient and are the basis for authorizing their expenses.
Stage 2. Bodies of the federal treasury carry out work on accounting for the budget obligations assumed by budget recipients, financed from the federal budget.
Thus, at the stage of preliminary control, the federal treasury bodies take into account the approved limits of budget obligations on the personal accounts of the recipients' budgets, and also take into account contracts that determine the size of long-term budget obligations for the financial year.
Current control is carried out by the territorial bodies of the federal treasury at the stage of financing expenses from the personal accounts of budget recipients according to payment documents after checking the relevant documents confirming the legitimacy of the expenditure within the estimated assignments. This is control over operational, ongoing activities. It consists in regularly checking the observance of financial discipline by business entities, managers of budgetary allocations, i.e. compliance with budgetary norms and standards, targeted use of budget funds.
Current control is carried out by the operating group of the payments department, where personal accounts of budget recipients are opened. This control includes checking:
- Compliance of the expenses expected to be paid with the approved estimates of income and expenses, budget classification codes;
- Compliance of concluded contracts with the established limits of budgetary obligations;
- compliance of the amount of expenses indicated in the payment document with the limit of the budget obligation and the balance of financing on the personal account in the context of the budget classification of the Russian Federation;
- documents confirming the proper implementation of contracts for the supply of products, performance of work.
In case of violation of any of the listed points of verification, the payment document is not accepted for execution and is returned to the budget recipient with an indication of the reasons for the refusal.
Subsequent control over the use of federal budget funds, entrusted to the federal treasury in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, consists in reviewing and approving reports on budget execution. One of the tasks of the federal treasury is the analysis of the balance of execution of the federal budget.
Date added: 2023-01-09; views: 281;