Albania. Early history. The rise of Communism
Albania is a small, mountainous nation on the Balkan Peninsula and one of the least developed countries in Europe. It became a Communist country in 1944. Until the breakup of complete control of the Communist Party in 1 990, Albania was one of the most politically isolated countries in the world.
Early history. In ancient times, much of the territory that is now Albania was settled by the lllyrians. In 167 B.C., the Romans conquered the lllyrians and spread their civilization throughout the region. In A.D. 395, when the Roman Empire was divided, much of Albania became part of the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire. Between the 300's and the 1000's, Albania was invaded by Goths, Bulgarians, Slavs, and Normans. In the 1300's, much of Albania became part of the Serbian Empire.
In 1468, the Turks conquered Albania, and it remained part of the Ottoman Empire for more than 400 years. In 1913, after Albania gained independence during the First Balkan War, European powers set the country's boundaries and made it a self-governing principality.
During World War I (1914-1918), the Austro-Hungarians, Italians, Serbs, and French all occupied Albania. In 1 925, Ahmed Beg Zogu seized power, formed a republic, and became the country's first president. Three years later, Zogu declared himself King Zog I and ruled as a dictator until 1939.
Shortly before World War II (1 939-1945), Italy invaded Albania, and it became part of the Italian Empire. After Italy surrendered to the Allies in 1 943, the Germans occupied Albania until they were driven out the following year.
The rise of Communism. During World War II, Albania found a new national hero in Enver Hoxha, leader of the National Liberation Front (NLF).The NLF, a Communist organization, was one of the Albanian resistance movements that fought against the Italians and the Germans. In 1944, the Germans were driven from Albania, and Hoxha set up a Communist government and began ruling as first secretary of the Communist Party. He ruled Albania for more than 40 years, until his death in 1985.
Ramiz Alia succeeded Hoxha as first secretary of Albania's Communist Party. His government introduced some social and economic reforms. However, Albanians felt that the reforms did not go far enough. Their protests in 1 990 to force the Communists from power led the Communists to allow new political parties to form.
Once a hard-line Communist nation that followed a rigid policy of self-isolation, Albania en countered political problems in the early 1990's as popular opposition groups forced the co lapse of the Communist government. The nation is situated on the west side of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. It is a mountainous country, and the North Albanian Alps rise about 8,500 feet (2,590 meters) on its northern border. The coastal plains along the Adriatic Sea are the only large areas of fiat land
In the multiparty elections of March 1991 the Communists won a majority, but protests continued, and by June the Communist prime minister and his cabinet were forced to re-sign. A temporary government was formed, and new elections were held in March 1992. The Democratic Party, the leading opposition group, won a majority of seats in the National Assembly. The assembly elected Sali Berisha president.
In late 1996, the collapse of fraudulent nationwide pyramid schemes triggered civil un- rest that turned to armed rebellion in 1997. Thousands of Albanians fled to Greece and Italy. In April, the UN sent an international force to Albania to oversee relief efforts and to help restore order. The elections held in June and July brought the Socialist Party into power, and the UN left in August. In 1998, a new constitution was adopted.
Date added: 2023-01-25; views: 371;