Schools. Library, Media Centre and Central Amenities
Cloakroom facilities can be decentralised by allocating space outside the classrooms but directly linked to them. The number of toilets, urinals and wash-basins required, based on total number of pupils and separated according to sex, should be as set out in the local school building guidelines (e.g. – (11)). Sanitary installations with direct daylight and ventilation are preferable, and there must be separate entrances for boys and girls. Examples of different toilet facilities for schools are shown in (1) – (6).
Horizontal and vertical circulation usually doubles as an emergency escape route. Escape routes must have a clear width of min. 1m/150 people, but min. width of corridors in classroom areas is 2.00m or 1.25m for less than 180 people. Stairs in classroom areas must be 1.25 m, other escape routes 1.00 m. Max. length of escape routes: 25 m measured in a straight line from the stairwell door to the furthest workplace, or 30 m in an indirect line to the centre of the room. Capacity of stairs is dependent on number of users, average occupancy, etc. Width of stairs: 0.80m/100 people (minimum 1.25m, max. 2.50m). Alternatively: 0.10m/15 people. (Only the top floor is calculated at 100% occupancy, remaining floors at 50%.)
General-purpose teaching area includes standard classrooms, supplementary classrooms, extra-large classrooms, rooms for special courses, rooms for teaching languages and social studies, language labs, rooms for teaching material, maps and other ancillary rooms.
Space requirements: classroom for traditional teaching 2.00m2/pupil; for teaching in sets 3.00m2/pupil, for open plan teaching 4.50m2/place including ancillary areas needed for each subject.
Standard room shape: rectangular or square (12x20, 12x16, 12x12, 12x10); with a max. room depth of 7.20m it is possible to have windows on one side only. (7)
Floor areas are: traditional classroom, 1.80-2.00m2/ pupil; open plan 3.00-5.00m2/pupil. The clear height should be 2.70-3.40m.
Language labs should be within or directly related to the general-purpose teaching area, and close to media centre and library. Approximately 30 language lab. places per 1000 pupils will be needed (9) – (11).
The size of LT (listen/talk) and LSR (listen/talk/record) labs is approx. 80m2: booths 1x2m, number of places/lab. 24-30, i.e. 48-60m2, plus ancillary spaces (e.g. studio, recording room, archive for teachers' and pupils' tapes). Artificially - lit internal language labs with an environmental control system are also possible.
Science area includes rooms for teaching of theory and practice, practicals, preparation and collections, photographic studios and labs. Classrooms for biology, physics and chemistry 2.50m2/place. For lectures and demonstrations in practical work 4.50m2/place including special-purpose ancillary space but not including ancillary rooms.
Room sizes for demonstrations and practicals in chemistry and biology, physics, or combinations should be 70-80m2 – (1). Ideally, for physics, biology and chemistry lectures (possibly including demonstrations) 60m2 is needed, with fixed raked seating. Second entrance/exit. Possibility of internal classroom with artificial lighting.
Room for practical work, group work in biology and physics and as well as interdisciplinary work, space divisible into smaller units. 80m2 per individual room or space.
Rooms for preparation, collections and materials for individual subjects or combinations of subjects. Total of 30-40 or 70 m2 depending on the size of the school and the science area. Internal rooms with artificial light allowable.
Rooms for photographic work and photographic labs are best associated with the science rooms. Ideally, they should be in the form of a studio, with a lobby between the lab and teaching area. Dark room with areas for printing (1 enlarging table for 2-3 pupils, combined with wetprocessing places), for developing negatives and rooms or area for loading film.
Position of rooms: best north-facing with constant room temperature. Space required depends on number of pupils, generally 6-14 pupils per group, at least 3-4m2 per workplace. Type of photo lab depends on areas and sizes:
- one-room lab 20-30m2, minimum size with separate bay of 1.50-2.0m2 for loading film.
- two-room lab 30-40m2, consisting of lit room, light lock and dark room (positive and negative work), filmloading room 2 m2.
- three-room lab, printing room, lit room with necessary light locks, light locks 1-2m2 without furniture, dark room lamps only.
For exhibitions, etc. shared use of other rooms is possible.
Library, media centre and central amenities. Purpose: information centre for classwork, further education and leisure and may be used by pupils, teachers and non-school users.
Library includes a conventional school library for pupils and teachers with books and magazines, lending facilities, reading and work places. The media centre is an extension of the library with recording and playback facilities for radio, film, TV, i.e. audio-visual equipment and a corresponding stock of software, microfilm and microfiche facilities.
Standard space requirement overall: library/media centre 0.35-0.55m2/pupil. Broken down into:
- book issues and returns, 5m2 per workplace, and catalogue space of 20-40m2
- information: librarian, media advisor, media technician, etc. 10-20m2 per person
Compact book storage in 1000 volume stacks at 20-30 volumes/metre run of shelving. Free access bookcase approx. 4m2 including circulation space, reading places and catalogues. For 1000 volumes reference books 20-40 m2, study area generally per 1000 volumes reference books 25 m2 for 5% of the pupils/teachers, but at least 30 study spaces at 2 m2 each, i.e. 60 m2 carrels 2.5-3.0m2. Room for work in groups of 8-10, 20m2 – (1) – (2).
For kitchen and ancillary rooms, the size and equipment specification depends on the catering system. Table service for food and table clearing for young children (portions possibly served by teacher), otherwise self-service (e.g. from conveyer belt, counter, cafeteria line or free flow system). Distribution capacity of 5-15 meals/minute or 250-1000/ hour, variable staffing levels. Space required for distribution systems 40-60m2. Dining room size depends on number of pupils and number of sittings, min. of 1.20-1.40 m2 per place. Larger spaces should be divided up. For every 40 places, 1 wash-basin in the entrance area – (3) – (4).
Date added: 2023-01-05; views: 289;