Glazed Arcades. Typology. Historic Examples

The glazed arcade is a building type which is both interesting and popular in contemporary architecture. Arcades may be on a single level, slope gently to follow the contours of the site, or have a split-level arrangement to change levels. Arcades are through routes intended exclusively for pedestrians. They should be accessible around the clock as semi-public routes. Arcades can have a multiplicity of uses (retail sales, mixed sectors, etc.). Therefore facilities that will attract customers outside normal business hours should be encouraged. Glass structures are supported by steel, aluminium or laminated wood beams.

Historic Examples. Passage du Caire – (1), (5) is the oldest surviving glazed arcade in the world, and at 370m is the longest in Paris. This low-key, two-storey arcade is on average only 2.70m wide. It houses two storeys of shops, as well as apartments above the glass roof. Galerie Vivienne -> (2),(9), by architect Frangois Jacques Delannoy (1755-1835), was built at nearly the same time as Galerie Colbert, which is located in the same block of buildings.

Passage du Grand Cerf (3), (10) is only 4m wide, but is three storeys high and 120m long. It runs straight through a block of buildings. There are shops on the ground floor, offices and workshops on the first floor, and apartments on the second floor. More than most other arcades in Paris, the 190m long Passage Choiseul (4) is a roofed-over street. There is separate access to each building by a spiral staircase. Passages Joufroy and Verdeau – (6) is a combined, roofed pedestrian system which is 400m long. Galleria Mazzini – (7) + (8) is one of the monumental arcades.

Leeds Thornton's Arcade (11) has houses in front and an arcade area occupying three storeys. Galleria Umberto I – (13) – (14) is an ideal embodiment of a cross-shaped design with four entrances. The crossing is crowned with a giant dome. Morgan Arcade – (15), (16) was built in 1897 by the architect Edwin Seward for David Morgan. It was altered by the later addition of department store buildings on the Hayes.

Historic Examples. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan represents the developmental zenith of arcade architecture. It is the culmination of a process that began with the 'passages' in Paris and reached an intermediate stage with the Galeries St. Hubert in Brussels. The plan of the Galleria is in the shape of a Latin cross with its centre expanded into an octagon. The main dimensions are: longitudinal arm 196.62m; diameter of octagon 36.60m; height to top of lantern 47.08m – (1) + (2), and (6) + (7). Those dimensions are exceeded only in some details of later arcades, e.g. the height of the Galleria Umberto I in Naples, and the length of the GUM department store in Moscow – (3). Significant references to the urban fagades of Palladio can be seen in the design of its interior.

The GUM department store building in Moscow – (3) + (4) and (8) + (9) is in approximately the shape of a parallelogram, with sides measuring 90mx250m on average. The polygonal extension in the centre of the intersecting central aisles is reminiscent of the arcade in Milan, although the tranverse arm does not extend up to the roof.

Galeries St. Hubert (11) + (13) is the first example of a monumental arcade. Its volume has rarely been exceeded by later examples. The Galeries St. Hubert were also the first to be publicly funded.

Applied Examples. Galleries and arcades are design elements that have been re-discovered by architects. Their transparent roofs span roads, paths and squares, and connect buildings, shops and stores. Galleries and arcades have been used to expand pedestrian zones, protect against bad weather, and provide a meeting place.

A shopping arcade in Hamburg – (1) – (3) has a site area of 11 000 m2. There is shopping space of 9400 m2 over three levels, and roof parking for 180 cars.

Kaiserpassage in Bonn (6) – (8) is based on 19th century arcades and galleries. Bringing together specialised shops, boutiques, kiosks, cafes, restaurants and cinemas is intended to encourage passers-by to linger without regard to the weather.


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