The biology place among natural sciences
In XX century, the biology became statistically based. The genetics, biophysics, molecular biology and others use mathematics calculation in their research. These researches pushed biology on a leading place among natural science. On a modem stage of humankind being, biology facilitates in formation of new agricultural biogeocenosis, which made a great impact on natural production.
Now biology regulates relation of them with natural biogeocenosis. Agricultural biogeocenosis have to provide food supply for growing human population. In addition, we have to keep gentle balance in main biosphere processes to survive here on Earth. Not so far in a future, we can face food and oxygen deficiency, if contemporary population growth will be preserved for several decades.
To fight it we have to limit reproductive strategy and discover new agricultural methods with higher outcome. The nature gives us all what we need to survive here. Negative ecological impact has feedback to a human. Humans will face changes in their genofond, stimulated by their industrial pattem of being.
The biology role in doctors training. The biology is theoretic basement of medicine, that why it is important to study biology for future doctor. Morphological, biochemical, genetical and physiological disciplines give a basement for pathology. Such practical branches of medicine as therapy and surgery are based on anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Epidemiology is based on achievements of ecology, zoology, parasitology, microbiology and virology. Biology also gives a specific view on life processes.
Doctor’s mind is formed on a base of cytology, genetics, molecular biology, anthropology, ecology and evolution theory. Doctors should keep in mind the consequences of industrial impact on environment. It is important to know cell pathology, especially proliferate cell ability, genetics, especially human hereditary diseases, ontogenesis, especially concept about defects of development, ecology, especially concept about adjustment disorders, parasitology, poisonous plants, animals and fungi.
Modem advances in medicine were made on a base of biology. For instance, L. Pasteur’s discovery about bacterial basement of fermentation resulted in formulation main aseptic and antiseptic principles. I.I. Mechnikov’s (1845-1916) discovery of phagocytosis resulted in formation of modem concepts about immunity. Mendel’s Laws of inheritance resulted in formulation chromosome theory of inheritance. That why I.V. Davidovsky (1897-1968) said that theoretical medicine in mainly biology.
Human health depends on environment state. Biology helps to make new science based view on human relations with nature, on using natural resources, on environment protection, on preventive measures against parasite and infectional diseases.
Life matter on an Earth is presented by organisms. Each organism consists of lower organization levels and at the same time, it is a part of higher organization level.
It needs to be pointed that structural elements on lower levels are quite similar, at the same time, they become more different with increasing complicity. On molecular-genetic level, the discrete elements of prokaryotes, non-cellular life forms and eukaryotes are similar. Life matter for all of them is presented by four similar organic bases, connected with five-atom sugar and phosphate, forming nucleic acids, and by 20 amino acids.
On cellular level, we can say that cell of different organisms more similar than differ from each other. However, on organism level we can observe a large variety among organisms. This variety results from different combinations of lower level units. These combinations provide new structural features.
Date added: 2022-12-30; views: 396;